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HomeIndustryConsumer ServicesEmpowering Communities: DrinkPrime's Mission to Provide Clean Water to Every Home

Empowering Communities: DrinkPrime’s Mission to Provide Clean Water to Every Home

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Access to clean, safe drinking water remains a critical issue for millions in India, where 91 million people lack reliable access. DrinkPrime, founded by Vijender Reddy Muthyala and Manas Ranjan Hota, addresses this challenge with an innovative subscription-based model for purified water delivery.

Accessibility and Quality
Driven by personal frustrations with unreliable water supply, Vijender and Manas set out to ensure every household could afford and access clean water. They designed flexible subscription plans tailored to diverse household needs, from individuals to large families, eliminating upfront costs and ensuring affordability.

Technology-Driven Solutions
DrinkPrime integrates advanced IoT, AI, and machine learning to monitor water quality in real-time. This proactive approach enables timely maintenance and filter replacements, ensuring continuous access to clean water without customer intervention.

Impact and Recognition
Since its inception, DrinkPrime has served over 100,000 households, achieving profitability and earning accolades as one of Asia’s top innovative companies. Their mission-driven approach and commitment to social initiatives underscore their dedication beyond profits.

Looking Ahead
With substantial backing from investors like Sequoia Capital, DrinkPrime continues to expand its reach and impact. The startup’s upcoming Series B funding aims to further enhance operations and scale their transformative solution across more communities.



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